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(1 edit)

will you ever add it to steam?

I hope to get most of my games on Steam at some point this year. It costs money to publish on Steam, so it'll be a bit before I get to it.


Been thinking about learning EFPSE lately, so I wanted to check out a few games that were made in it, and this is one of the best 'modern boomer shooters' I've played in a while!

Fantastic map design (both in regards to enemy placement, power-up placement, and distance from keycard to the door you need to find), great sense of visual feedback re: enemy behavior, projectiles, and damage, and levels that are bigger than you'd expect without ever getting tedious. The last couple of missions had me SWEATIN', and as an old guy who's been playing shooters since back when we called them "Doom clones", I mean that as a compliment! Recommended to any boomer shooter fan!


Thank you so much! This really made my day!

Those were all things I had tried really hard to focus on in this one, so it really means a lot to hear that it all worked! Thanks for playing, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

which engine is this in?

E-FPS Editor, originally by JessicoChan, now maintained by Clark over at

It's free and easy to use, plus has a decent bit of advanced customization if you're willing to script.

Would love to chat with you on how you made it so cool and custom code you did. Cheers

Also, what is your business email? I might have a publishing idea for you for one of your games. Cheers

Absolutely! You can contact me at

Well done =)


Thanks! :D